Verlag für Geschichte
der Naturwissenschaften
und der Technik

Familientreffen versus Professionselite?

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 (1998) (1998)

Anke Jobmann
Familientreffen versus Professionselite?
Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Neustrukturierung in der deutschen Wissenschaftsgeschichte der 60er Jahre
119 Seiten, Pb., 16,80 Euro (1998, 17×24 cm)
ISBN 978-3-86225-031-1
Über die Gründung der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (GWG) 1965 vor dem Hintergrund der turbulenten politischen Auseinandersetzung um den »Fall Berg«.


en Summary

This book teils the story of how the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Society for History of Sciences, SHS) was founded in January 1965 in the wake of differences within the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (German Association for History of Medicine, Science and Technology). These differences manifested themselves on a professional, a political, and a personal level. Each contributed to the foundation of the SHS in its own peculiar way. In the center of the professional controversy, the main cause of the foundation of SHS, were methodological, thematical and organisational questions. That a small group of members of the German Association discussed these questions demonstrated the growing professionalisation of the discipline after a significant rise in university positions in the early sixties. The separation of the SHS founders from the German Association was occasioned by the turbulent political controversy on the »case Berg«: the protest around the rehabilitation of a historian of medicine who coauthored a book committed to national-socialist ideals. The professional as well as the political differences, however, were influenced by personal relations in a manifold context of well-established friendships, common interests, and deeply feit antipathy.

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