Verlag für Geschichte
der Naturwissenschaften
und der Technik

Wilhelm Ostwald und Paul Walden in ihren Briefen

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 (1994) (1994)

Regine Zott (Hrsg.)
Wilhelm Ostwald und Paul Walden in ihren Briefen
(BBGNT – Berliner Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, Band 17)
205 Seiten, 5 Abb., Pb., 22,80 Euro (1994, 17×24 cm)
ISBN 978-3-86225-017-2
Briefwechsel und Biografie des Ostwald-Schülers Paul Walden (1863–1957) mit seinem Lehrer von 1887 bis 1932.


en Summary

The chemist and historian of chemistry Paul Walden (1863–1957) worked in Riga (then a Russian town) from 1882 to 1919. Later he worked in Rostock and, finally, in Tübingen.

He was one of the most famous scholars of Wilhelm Ostwald (1853–1932). In 1887 Ostwald followed a call to Leipzig where he created his multidimensional life-work as a physico-chemist, as a founder of a scientific school, as a historian and philosopher. The scientific contacts between him an Walden were continued, even more, a friendship developed between them.

This book contains the correspondence of Ostwald and Walden from 1887 to 1932, the year of Ostwald’s death. Beyond this, an essay looks at the personal attitudes of Walden: He was born in Latvia but regarded Germany as his mental and intellectual homeland; he was a citizen of tsaristic Russia, became a witness of World War I and while being in Moscow of the October Revolution; he saw the Latvian efforts for national sovereignty, experienced the Third Reich, and, after World War II, the democratic Federal Republic of Germany, hence, very different political constellations.

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